Cultivating Knowledge in Mommy's Garden

Following the adventures of two little girls and their mommy, as they learn and create together!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Ice Skating Week 3

What an improvement the girls have made in just three lessons!  This week Selena was able to go quite a ways without holding hands, and even was ready to try the step step glide, and could get up on her own!  Abby also made improvements, making it all the way across the ice a few times.
I'm so glad we are doing the lessons, even thought they aren't ready to skate on their own, they are building confidence in themselves and preparing them for future activities.  This is the first thing they've done that hasn't been "easy."  I love to see their faces when they are excited about succeeding, even if all they are doing is standing on the ice, or letting go of my hand.  :)

 I filmed this on my phone, holding it the tall way, I don't know how to rotate it... :)

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